
Chrisley Attorney Says Prison Has Taken Mental Toll On Todd

The Chrisley attorney shares that prison has taken a mental toll on Todd Chrisley. He was sentenced to twelve years behind bars and reported back in January 2023. Yet, he is away from his wife, Julie Chrisley who is serving elsewhere, and his children. So, what exactly is going on? Read on for more details.

Todd Chrisley/YouTube

Chrisley Attorney Says Prison Has Taken Mental Toll On Todd

Being behind bars is not easy for Todd Chrisley by any means. He and his wife, Julie are both serving their time but she is in Kentucky while he is in Florida. Additionally, Todd was sentenced to twelve years while Julie was sentenced to seven years so they are there for a long time. Despite this, they are appealing their sentences and have hopes that things will turn around. In the meantime, it has been a rough go for Todd. According to the Los Angeles Times, Todd’s mental health is severely deteriorating under the circumstances he must live.

Todd Chrisley/YouTube

His lawyer, Jay Surgent had this to say: “He’s still very energetic, but I think he’s suffering from anxiety in not knowing what’s happening on the outside with his case.” He went on to note: “I think [Todd is] frustrated with the legal system in general, as far as how long it takes to get anything processed — from getting mail to being able to make phone calls to having his case processed on appeal. Everything is delay, delay, delay and it’s very frustrating to him.” As for the mental strain, Todd Chrisley has had photos snapped of him while he is sleeping.

Todd Chrisley/YouTube

Additionally, Todd Chrisley cannot leave the inside of the prison walls to work out. If he even dares to go outside, there are paparazzi waiting to get a photo of him. This makes sense because he obviously does not look like the same person who went in eight months back. His life is all about eating, maybe TV viewing, and chatting with his fellow inmates. Even his children have vouched for the awful conditions he and his wife have been forced to live in.

This Isn’t Right

According to Julie and Todd Chrisley’s daughter, Savannah Chrisley, things have been awful in their respective prisons. Along with her brother, Chase Chrisley, they revealed that their parents have no air conditioning. This was in the summer, in the south nonetheless, when the temperatures were beyond torturous. There have also been mail problems as well as privacy issues so it has been hard all around. As for how or if Todd’s anxiety is being treated, that has not been discussed.

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