
Todd Chrisley’s lawyer speaks out after request to serve remainder of sentence from home was denied

It looks like Todd Chrisley will have to continue to serve his prison sentence in prison and not from home.

His request to serve the rest of his sentence from home was denied, so for now, he’ll stay at the Federal Prison Camp in Pensacola, Florida.

However, this isn’t the end of his fight to get out of prison — not yet.

Jay Surgent, a new member of the Chrisley family’s defense team, released a statement surrounding the issue, noting that the request was being “investigated internally” after its rejection.

Apparently, Chrisley isn’t the only one whose application was denied, and Surgent claims it’s simply because someone decided not to process the appeal.

“He submitted it, but the person that was administrating it and was in charge of processing it, decided that she didn’t want to do that. She decided not to do it. And then, the time period for the application expired, so he wasn’t given due consideration with reference to being admitted to home confinement or taken advantage of some type of a probationary program,” Surgent revealed.

Todd Chrisley

Todd and Julie Chrisley reportedly suffering under poor conditions in prison

Allegations of the prison conditions for Todd and Julie Chrisley claim that the two are not being treated well, often surrounded by things such as mold and a lack of air conditioning as the southern part of the United States hits all-time high temps.

Savannah and Chase Chrisley have spoken out against their parents’ treatment in prison recently, noting just how poor the conditions are.

As previously reported by Monsters and Critics, Chase said, “Now they both have no air conditioning … they’re both in states where it gets 100 plus degrees, and there’s no air conditioning.”

Savannah claims that Julie deals with “rattlesnakes” slithering around her bed, but Chase revealed that they were not rattlesnakes but did look like “poisonous snakes.”

Chrisleys’ appeal continues

Todd and Julie filed an appeal for their sentences before they reported to serve, and according to Jay Surgent, the filings are now complete.

Next, “11th Circuit Court of Appeals can reverse the district court, or they could remand the case back for hearings that should have been held that were not held during the course of this trial,” Surgent says.

“We argued very vigorously that their constitutional rights have been violated, and that they basically were not given a fair hearing. It’s all in black and white actually,” the attorney continued. “And their living conditions, both of them, he in Pensacola, she in Lexington, Kentucky, it’s an absolute ridiculous situation.”

“Not that we’re saying that they deserve special treatment because they’re celebrities. They don’t,” Surgent added. “What we’re saying is that they, along with other inmates, deserve better treatment.”

“We shouldn’t be treating our prisoners the way we’re treating our prisoners at this point in time.”

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