
Savannah Chrisley’s Latest Makes Fans Want To Smash Phones

Savannah Chrisley’s latest podcast episode featuring herself and her brother Chase as her guest has left Chrisley Knows Best fans ready to smash their phones. What exactly did Todd and Julie Chrisley’s children do that has fans so upset?

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Savannah Chrisley’s Latest Makes Fans Want To Smash Phones

Savannah Chrisley’s latest podcast episode was almost exclusively dedicated to being an update on her parents. As Tv Shows Ace has previously reported, Savannah and Chase detailed the grueling living conditions of her parents. The duo revealed that Julie Chrisley actually had to worry about getting bit by poisonous snakes while she was sleeping.

Savannah Chrisley [Source: YouTube]

In a statement made by his lawyer, fans also learned that Todd Chrisley was fearful for his safety and his privacy while he slumbered. Likewise, through his lawyer, Todd Chrisley claims that he isn’t receiving all of his mail as some of it is being opened and destroyed by the prison staff. Presently, Todd Chrisley has filed paperwork with the help of his lawyer to be granted home confinement. In this paperwork, Todd Chrisley argues he is being treated unfairly because of his celebrity status. And, there is a concern for his safety.
It is unclear if the home confinement will be granted, but there have been reports it’s being investigated internally.

According to chatter on Reddit, it is the entitlement of Todd and Julie’s children (and their entire family) that has fans fuming. Watch the podcast episode that has fans so upset down below:

Fans Crucify The Selfish Family

In chatter on Reddit, fans point out that the issues with the living conditions of the prison system are not new problems. And, they think it is disgusting how high and noble Savannah Chrisley is acting about the situation. Fans point out that the second her parents are not in prison anymore is the second she will stop fighting to fix the issues behind bars.

Savannah Chrisley has openly admitted on her podcast the situation has been eye-opening for her as visiting her parents at federal prison has opened her up to a world she didn’t even know existed.

Savannah Chrisley Youtube

On Reddit, fans are convinced Savannah and Chase only want to free their parents from jail so they can “start up the grifting machine” and go back to making money off of the backs of the following they’ve grown from reality TV.

Here’s some of what frustrated fans had to say:

  • “The arrogance and sense of entitlement with Savannah and Chase in their last podcast made me want to smash my phone. All they care about is themselves and money, They don’t give a sh*t about anything else.”
  • “In reality, they are criminals who don’t pay their bills, don’t pay their lawyers, file frivolous lawsuits, defame their adversaries and investigators, play games with their taxes, and commit bank fraud with bogus bank loans gotten with fake financials.”
  • “They have ZERO chance of home confinement. That is only possible with sentences of 3 years or less, before good time is added. If every uncomfortable inmate in federal prison were set free because of discomfort or distress or fear or imagined slights, no one would be in custody.”

To see more of what fans have to say about Savannah, check out the Reddit thread down below:

Food for thought
by u/Conscious-Trick4800 in ChrisleyKnowsPrison

How do you feel about Savannah’s recent podcast episode? Do you understand why Chrisley fans are so upset?

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