
General Hospital: Is Dex Heller Really Jason Morgan’s Son?

Dex Heller has found himself sandwiched between Michael and Sonny’s battle on General Hospital. The ex-military man went way beyond what was required to get his hands on evidence against Sonny for Michael. However, now Michael has dropped his weapons and waived the white flag to appease his sick wife. While this has made the Corinthos household blissful, it has left blazing blisters in Dex’s life! However, Joss’ new boo is in no mood to back out from the war just yet. But why? Michael has bailed! Shouldn’t Dex be running in the other direction too? Or does he have a more personal axe to grind?

What Does Dex Has Against Sonny?

Michael Corinthos waged war against his stepdad, Sonny Corinthos, on General Hospital. For months Michael had been raining hell-fire to burn down the dimpled don’s underworld empire. He found the perfect way to infiltrate the mob and implode it from the inside when he joined forces with the very willing, very eager to help, Dex Heller. While initially it was suggested that Dex was in it for the money, that theory recently sunk.

General Hospital

When Willow convinced Michael to bury the hatchet with Sonny, he told Dex to call off the mission at General Hospital. He even offered Dex the money he had earlier promised him. But all he wanted was Sonny’s head on a pike. Okay, no, not literally! He just wanted to turn in the Pikeman recording to the cops and let Sonny rot in prison. But why would a total stranger with no real stake in the game feel so determined to bring down a powerful man like Sonny Corinthos? Well, what if Dex is genetically not a stranger? What if he is a Corinthos? Or even better! What if he is a Quartermaine!?!?

Is Dex “QUARTERMAINE” Heller Avenging His Father On General Hospital?

Ever since Dex got involved in Sonny and Michael’s feud, General Hospital fans have been speculating that there is more to Dex’s origin story than he tells. And with every passing episode, it is starting to feel more and more plausible that Dex certainly has a hidden agenda that connects his past to the present. Perhaps, Dex is Sonny’s long-lost son from one of his many, many affairs over the years. Maybe Dex is back to get revenge on his absent father! While that’s not a bad story, there is a much more lucrative one! What if Sonny is not Dex’s father but actually responsible for Dex being fatherless?

Going by Sonny’s long tryst with criminal activities, many names are popping into our heads. However, there are two names that shine right on the top! Jason Morgan and A.J. Quartermaine! Yup! Dex may not be Sonny’s son, but he very well could be Michael’s brother! Jason and A.J. are both deceased on General Hospital, and their fates were directly or indirectly sealed by Sonny! While he did not literally kill Jason, his activities surely got the ball rolling! Meanwhile, A.J. Quartermaine fell to his death after biting Sonny’s bullet!

Both Jason and A.J. have had a long history of multiple affairs on General Hospital. So it’s not shocking at all that either one of them could’ve fathered a son somewhere with someone who would grow up to be exactly someone like Dex. And we can’t wait to find out all about it! What do you think? Who do you think could be Dex’s dad?

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