
General Hospital: Carly Goes After Sonny Again?

Every soap has this one duo who is constantly at war and never misses an opportunity to lock horns. General Hospital has found that pair in Carly and Nina, played by Laura Wright and Cynthia Watros, respectively. The common bone of contention is Sonny. However, the ladies often find other and newer reasons to go at each other’s throats. It feels like this is one rivalry that isn’t going to die down anytime soon. In fact, in light of current situations, it might be on the verge of blowing up to an all-time high! Could that lead to Carly snatching the one thing that Nina fears losing the most? Keep reading to find out!

Carly Hits An All Time Low

When Carly returned to Port Charles with Drew Cain on her arm, she had everything going well for her on General Hospital. Although in the beginning, Carly wanted to take things slow with Drew and urged him to keep their relationship on the down low. However, as episodes passed, the two started to become thicker. Their relationship even weathered the storm of Carly’s Willow-Nina bio-mom secret. Unfortunately, all hell broke loose when their insider trading activities came to light.

General Hospital

Someone reported their less-than-legal activities to the SEC, and that completely blew up Carly’s world on General Hospital. Her lover, Drew, is now facing three years in prison. While she has drained out all her savings to pay the SEC fines. She even has had to put her house on the market and is now a couple of mils in debt. All because of the SEC leak! Which we all know was made by Nina! Imagine Carly’s fury when she finds out the truth! She has always felt like Nina is responsible for all that she has lost in life. Hence, this truth coming out could perhaps become the last nail in the coffin!

The Truth Bursts Out! Carly Steals Sonny From Nina On General Hospital

There is no way Carly would take this lightly on General Hospital. While Carly is far from a villain on the ABC soap, she still has proven that she can rain hell-fire if need be. Especially if the recipient of her vengeance is Nina Reeves. So, when Carly finds out the truth, she will soon enough! She is going to go at Nina, all guns blazing. Carly will attack where it hurts the most! The vulnerable spot! And for Nina, that is Sonny! The two already seem to be walking on thin ice.

General Hospital

Although Sonny proposed to Nina on General Hospital, we are not sure if that wedding will ever see the light of day. For one, Sonny will be furious when he learns of Nina’s betrayal. Not only has she ruined Carly’s life and sent Drew to jail, she has also been blatantly lying to him. And Sonny does not take betrayals kindly. Thus, Carly’s job might just get easier. With Drew out of the picture temporarily, and decades of romantic history between them, we don’t think it will be too hard for Carly to rekindle a romance with Sonny. Even if she does it just to spite Nina!

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