
Chrisley Knows Best: Are Todd And Julie Chrisley Still Practicing Christians?

Fans wonder if Todd and Julie Chrisley are still practicing Christians. The family talks a lot about their faith. Yet, there have been no photos of them at church. Some critics believe it’s all part of the act. Keep on reading to learn more.

Did Todd And Julie Chrisley Go To Church?

Todd and Julie Chrisley will have to rely on their faith in prison. Some fans want to know if they ever went to church before then. The family loves to talk about their faith. Their kids have been praying to get their parents out of jail.

It’s going to take a lot of praying and action for that to happen. On the Chrisley Knows Best subreddit, the user Then_Pineapple_8524 asked, “Does anyone have a picture of Todd and Julie at church?? Just curious if they actually ever went to church prior to being indicted.”

Other users took to the thread to react. Most claim they’ve never seen a picture of Todd and Julie Chrisley at church. One noted the fake funeral they attended on an old episode of Chrisley Knows Best. Most aren’t surprised since they admitted the reality series was like a fake comedy show.

“It’d be easier to find a picture of Big Foot riding a unicorn. The only thing they worship is fame and money,” one fan joked. “I’ve never heard of them going to a church or seen it on the show. They actually look like a TV evangelist couple though lol,” another added.

Julie Chrisley

What Does Their Community Think?

Other fans want to know what Todd and Julie Chrisley’s community thinks of them. They were part of the local community even as they claimed they went to church.

Over at the Chrisley Knows Prison subreddit, the user iamladia asked, “I know Todd and Julie moved a lot but what did their community think of them? Did word get around that Todd and Julie didn’t pay those who did work for them?”

Some fans explained that the reality TV couple built up a bad reputation long before their crimes came out. Their image was already ruined long before their reality show. It could be the reason why the Chrisleys moved around so much.

“First just the local community knew they were grifters, then they got the TV show now the world knows lol,” one fan joked.

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