90 Day Fiance

90 Day Fiance: Loren Exposed! Ex-Wife Reveals His Dark Intentions, Leaving Faith Heartbroken

There’s even buzz that after the season wrap, we won’t be seeing Lauren on the network again. Goody dropped a new video of his ex trying to make a homemade cake for their kid because guess what? She’s broke too. Like, how much lower can this guy go? Hands down, 90 Day Fiancé is the king of reality TV messiness. Sure, some of the stars are iconic, but others, well, they’re the human equivalent of a train wreck. Every season, the show throws a mix of fan favorites and fresh disasters at us, but this time they’ve really outdone themselves.

Um, let’s just say the new guys are on the same cringe level as creeps like H. Gordy and Paul. Stay yikes. Welcome to the circus of Before the 90 Days, where we’ve been blessed with a brand-new walking disaster: Lauren Allen. This 33-year-old seemed normal at first, but don’t be fooled. As the episodes rolled on, this guy shed his nice-guy act faster than a snake sheds its skin. Spoiler alert: His plan at home in the Philippines wasn’t about love. He was just looking for a free place to crash. Classy, right?

Oh, don’t worry folks, this is just the PG-13 version of what we’re about to dive into. Buckle up, it’s your host, not Angela, back to spill all the tea on Lauren Allen, the newest scumbag of the 90 Day Fiancé universe. Trust me, you’re going to want to grab a barf bag. I mean, seriously, how does TLC even find these people? Let’s get into it, shall we?

Alright, let’s talk about Lauren’s other gross moments. This guy, no joke, decided to cook in his bathroom. Get used to the humidity of the Philippines? Like, excuse me, sir, what kind of backwards logic is that? That’s not how humidity works. And cooking next to your toilet? That’s not just gross—it’s a health code violation waiting to happen.

As the season continues, we’ve got a new public enemy: Lauren Allen. While everyone else is pumped to meet their international lovers, Lauren was a little too eager to flee the U.S. Why, you ask? Oh, because he’s broke. Yep. This genius sold everything he owned, packed his bags, and headed to the Philippines with a grand total of $45 in his pocket. Talk about big dreams on a tiny budget. Let’s be real, his girlfriend Faith wasn’t even on his radar. This dude was just looking for a free ride, and Faith was the unlucky Uber.

90 Day Fiancé: Loren Allen Has A Shocking Past (Will Faith Accept Him?)

Oh wait, the drama train doesn’t stop there. More skeletons are about to tumble out of Lauren’s overstuffed closet. Lauren wasn’t just trying to flee the U.S. for a change of scenery. Nope, he was running from responsibilities. Word on the street is that his ex-wife called him out as a full-blown deadbeat dad. The man’s so broke he can’t even cover child support for his two kids. And just when you think it couldn’t get worse, shaboy dropped a new video of his ex trying to make a homemade cake for their kid because guess what? She’s broke too. Like, how much lower can this guy go?

According to a Twitter live session, Lauren didn’t hold back when it came to throwing shade at his ex. Apparently, she forced him to do the show. Oh, please. This guy’s really out here trying to blame her for taking all the money he made from 90 Day Fiancé, which, let’s be real, she probably deserves since he’s way behind on child support. Pay your dues!

90 Day Fiancé: Loren Allen Will Ruin Faith's Life (He's Hiding A  Jaw-Dropping Secret)

And if that wasn’t enough, Lauren, like the genius he is, admitted he was scrambling to stay out of jail by scraping together whatever he could for child support. Seriously, how can a grown man in his 30s be this selfish and clueless? At this point, it’s clear this dude has no filter whatsoever. Lauren even confessed to another one of his brilliant, illegal schemes. He admitted that while he has a travel visa, his plan was to shack up on someone’s farm in the Philippines illegally. Seriously, this man legit said his game plan for around the Philippines is to mooch off someone’s farm. The audacity!

With every episode, it became painfully clear that Lauren wasn’t in it for love with Faith. No, he was just out to find someone else to sponge off. Honestly, how do people like this even sleep at night? Got it?

Speaking of Faith, Lauren proved just how dumb he really is by dropping a major spoiler and completely ruining his storyline. Longtime 90 Day fans know that TLC has an NDA with the cast. You know, that little contract that says “don’t spill your secrets.” But Lauren, being Lauren, couldn’t help himself. He pretty much gave away everything, and now fans already know the tea before it’s brewed.

During an interview, Lauren casually mentioned he was interested in someone over in the Philippines, and then doubled down by saying it could be with someone else. Like, oh my God. Does this guy not understand simple instructions? He basically put up a neon sign saying, “I’m not with Faith anymore.” Honestly, is anyone really sad about this? If anything, fans are probably celebrating the fact that Faith ditched this walking red flag.

90 Day Fiancé: Loren Allen Has A Shocking Past (Will Faith Accept Him?)

With Lauren breaking TLC’s NDA, there’s a good chance he’s about to lose the little cash he was making from the show. There’s even buzz that after the season wrap, we won’t be seeing Lauren on the network again. I mean, who’s surprised? The guy’s been grossing everyone out from the start.

Speaking of disgusting, Lauren proudly announced on national TV that he has garia with a creepy smile. Like, bro, this is not a fun fact! What’s wrong with this guy? Why anyone would do that is beyond me. The moment came up when Lauren tried to kiss Faith on the show, and just as she started to warm up, he dropped the garia bombshell. Way to kill the mood, buddy. Like seriously, imagine leading with that when things are just about to get romantic. Every fan was silently praying for Faith to just get the hell out and leave this mess behind.

Well, the cat’s out of the bag now, and after dishing and exposing, everyone knows that Faith finally dumped him, and thank God for that. It’s at this point 90 Day Fiancé fans are begging the network to stop casting people this vile, but let’s be real, we can’t help but watch this dumpster fire of a man roll around creating more chaos by the second.

So stay tuned because not Angela will be back with more juicy 90 Day Fiancé content to satisfy your curiosity and answer all your burning questions.

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