Married at first sight

I Think Married At First Sight Season 18’s Cheating Scandal Could Lead To A Successful Match

Married At First Sight season 18 is coming soon, and the impending cheating scandal that’s shaking up the season could lead to turmoil, but ultimately make a successful match. Throughout Married At First Sight history, each season has added a new element of drama to the experience. From couples choosing to split up immediately after their honeymoons on the show to partners straight up lying to their MAFS spouse about what’s going on in their lives outside of the experiment, there have been new situations with each passing season that elevate the experience for those on the inside and outside.

While Married At First Sight season 18 has been one that I’ve been wary of, I’m more excited for the upcoming season premiere than ever. As more information about MAFS season 18 has come out, it’s become clear to me that it might be one of the most intense seasons in the show’s history. The new MAFS cast in Chicago all sound like they’re interested in finding something serious, but their expectations may not be met entirely, especially in two of the couples where a cheating scandal appears to shake up the nature of the entirety of the MAFS series.

Married At First Sight’s Success Rate Has Been Low For Seasons

Married At First Sight experts Dr. Pia, Pastor Cal, and Dr Pepper in side by side photos looking pensive

While Married At First Sight has been a show that brings couples together for its entirety, in the last several years things have been extremely difficult on the show. The panel of experts, which currently consists of Dr. Pepper Schwartz, Dr. Pia Holec, and Pastor Cal Roberson, have had a hard time making matches that ultimately work well together, and have had very few matches choose to stay together on Decision Day. While they’ve been hopeful that things would work for years, they’ve only had one Married At First Sight pair make it past Decision Day and successfully stay married.

Married At First Sightseason 16’s Nicole Woley and Chris Thiek have been together since the beginning of their season, but the show has struggled in making matches outside of that pair for five full seasons. While Chris and Nicole are a great match, the fact that the show that prides itself on being able to make lasting matches hasn’t managed to do so consistently since MAFS season 12 is difficult to see. The experts have struggled, which has pushed viewers to lose faith in them. While MAFS viewers want to trust the experts and the process, they struggle to.

I’ve Been Nervous About MAFS Season 18

I’ve been nervous about the way Married At First Sight season 18 will play out since I saw the initial trailer for the season during MAFS season 17. With the last season of the series being so overwhelming in terms of poor matchmaking and contestant interference, I’ve been on the edge of my seat about the way MAFS season 18 will go. Initially, I was determined that MAFS season 18 would be more of the same thing as MAFS season 17, especially with the first trailer seemingly featuring a runaway bride in the hastily cut together MAFS clips and moments.

Married At First Sight Season 18 Will Feature A Cheating Scandal

Married At First Sight - Thomas & Camille in wedding attire

Although I’ve been nervous about the way Married At First Sight season 18 would go, I didn’t need to be. In the most recent teasers and promos of the season, it’s been revealed that there will be some majorly unprecedented drama coming from the newest cast of the series. While there are five couples who will get married on MAFS season 18, two of them will each find a spouse interested in someone from another pair. The two MAFS participants seem like they’re going to cheat on their matched up partners with each other, leading to an unprecedented MAFS event.

The cheating scandal, which appears to be something that gets shared all around the MAFS season 18 cast, will decidedly rock the new cast at their core. While two MAFS participants are feeling like they’ve been matched into the wrong relationships and find solace in each other, it’s possible the cheating scandal could be an issue for the whole cast moving forward. The drama that the cheating scandal will bring will be unprecedented, and I’m excited to see how the producers, cast, and experts handle things. The drama will be emotional, but exciting on Married At First Sight season 18.

MAFS’s Cheating Scandal Could Lead To A Successful Wife Swap

dr pepper schwartz with michael behind her crying in married at first season 17 montage

As the cheating scandal comes to light, I’m fairly certain that the two participants who cheat will form an entirely new couple, leading to a potentially successful wife swap on MAFS season 18. While it’s unclear if the participants who have been cheated on will match up together for the rest of the season, the participants who cheated will likely be followed by MAFS cameras as they navigate their relationship. Married At First Sight season 18 is about to change the entire nature of the show.

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