
LPBW: Tori Roloff Gets Real About Josiah’s Latest Struggles

Little People, Big World star Tori Roloff is keeping it real and opening up about her son, Josiah’s latest struggles. She hopped on her Instagram Stories to chat with fans about what’s going on with him now. So, is everything okay with the one-year-old? Keep reading for all of the details.

Tori Roloff YouTube, Instagram

Tori Roloff reveals this chapter has come to an end.

Since Tori and Zach welcomed Josiah to the world in April 2022, they have kept fans updated on his growth and the ups and downs he’s gone through. Fortunately, the family was able to push through any of the obstacles in their way, from sleeping troubles to teething pain.

As TV Shows Ace reported earlier this week, Tori Roloff decided randomly that it was time for Josiah to say goodbye to his pacifier. This was a big deal, especially because he’s their last baby. So, once he’s done with the pacifiers, this chapter of their lives is officially over.

Tori Roloff - YouTube

The LPBW star details Josiah’s struggles.

On her Instagram Stories on Friday night, Tori shared a couple of videos of herself talking. In these videos, she explained Josiah’s latest struggles. Unfortunately, getting rid of the pacifiers was no easy task.

Tori Roloff said, “He was our easiest but our hardest to get rid of the binky.” He cried the first couple of nights without his pacifier.

She explained that he was easy because she’s been through this stage twice before and knew what to expect. But he was the most attached to his binky. She added that Josiah had eight pacifiers in his crib at once. However, she didn’t realize just how attached he was until it was time for him to say goodbye to the binkies.

Fortunately, these struggles were short-lived.

While chatting with fans, the mom of three shared that Friday was the first night that Josiah went to bed without crying at all after having his pacifier taken away. Tori said that her kids’ pediatrician gave her some good advice in regard to letting go of pacifiers. According to the doctor, after three days, things should get better. And that ended up being the case for Josiah too.

Hopefully, the rest of this transition goes smoothly for little Josiah and his mom, Tori Roloff. She will likely continue to keep fans in the loop along the way, so stay tuned for another update soon. It sounds like the mama of three has it all under control.

So, can you relate to Tori Roloff’s struggles with helping Josiah let go of his pacifier? What do you think about him being the easiest baby but the hardest when it comes to the pacifier?

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