
General Hospital Says Goodbye to Bobbie: The Former Faves Who Have to Be on Hand

There’s been a hole in the fabric of General Hospital ever since Jacklyn Zeman passed away. It’s one we know is there, but the folks of Port Charles still don’t. And until the show bids farewell to Zeman, it’s a hole we won’t be able to patch up and heal.

GH Bobbie mashup, with Tony, Noah, Lucas and Luke kissing her hand

We know, as General Hospital bid farewell Sonya Eddy and Epiphany earlier this year, the show knows how honor and pay respects to those it and we have lost. But Bobbie’s farewell will have to say goodbye to a character who’s been with us for 45 years and pay respects to a character and actress who has been through countless eras of ABC’s last remaining soap opera.

And with that in mind, we thought it was time to explore the folks who may not be on our screens anymore, but absolutely have to return to say goodbye. First off, there’s her family.

GH's Finn and Lucas in Bobbie's hospital room

We haven’t seen Lucas since 2020 (unless you count Ryan Carnes and Parry Shen’s Fan Club Weekend tease), but he’ll have to get back to Port Charles and on our screens ASAP. Carly may be Bobbie’s only biological child, but Lucas was raised by her from a baby on. He and Carly will have to lean on each other as they say goodbye to their mom.

Then there’s Lucky and Ethan. Back when Luke died, the show made up some excuse about Lucky being quarantined in Africa and he and Ethan attending a European service for their dad. But this isn’t just killing off a character, it’s saying goodbye to a beloved actress. Joshua Jackson’s Lucky and Nathan Parson’s Ethan should be back in Port Charles to say goodbye to their aunt.

And though we won’t hold our breath, we just learned that Lulu was moved back to Port Charles and General Hospital. What if those scenes with Dante and Charlotte the other week were priming us for her waking up in time to say goodbye to her aunt?

GH's Bobbie looking at Luke

And if we’re being completely honest, Anthony Geary needs to be there too. This would be the perfect time to unveil what we’ve all long suspected, that Luke is not actually dead. Maybe he’s had amnesia, or maybe he’s just been hiding, but this would be the time to bring him back, maybe even with Tracy and kick off a new storyline.

Then there are Bobbie’s many loves. She hasn’t fared too well with ex-husbands, since most of them have sadly ended up dead, but she did have quite a few memorable beaus. She and Dr. Noah Drake were close not just once, but twice, and bringing Rick Springfield back to say goodbye to both Bobbie and Zeman would be a beautiful way to reconnect with both her and General Hospital’s past. And while we’re at it, how about A Martinez’ Roy DiLucca? He returned to town two decades after “dying” in his fiancée’s arms and tried his best to be there for Bobbie and reconnect until her jealousy and insecurity drove them apart.

And though Tony passed on in the encephalitis outbreak, wouldn’t it be beautiful if Tony Maule made an appearance with B.J. and Bryan Craig’s Morgan to welcome Bobbie into heaven? It wouldn’t be the first we’ve seen Tony’s spirit, as he made a return in 2019 when Lucas almost died after a car crash. It would be much the same as how John Ingle’s passing was honored by having “Edward” and “Lila” reunited and ascending the stairs of the Quartermaine mansion together.

Tony visits Bobbie General Hospital

What do you think? Are there any others from Bobbie’s past who absolutely have to return to say goodbye? Are there any you’d personally like to see?

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