90 Day Fiance

90 Day Fiancé’s Angela Deem Accuses Michael Ilesanmi Of Scamming Fans After He Joins New Family

90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? star Angela Deem revealed how Michael Ilesanmi has allegedly been using fans to make money after leaving her in February 2024. Michael from Nigeria had been together with Angela since they met on Facebook in 2017. Michael and Angela’s biggest challenge in their relationship was their age difference. It made Angela feel insecure as she worried Michael would leave her for someone else when he came to the U.S. Angela’s biggest fear came true when Michael went “missing” from her Hazlehurst house. Angela now wants to get their marriage annulled and deport Michael.

Michael Ilesami In 90 Day Fiance in red shirt wearing crown looking stressed

Michael Ilesanmi has been living in Texas with his Nigerian friends ever since he escaped Angela Deem’s house. Michael spent a few days with Angela after coming back home from the Tell All, but now Angela is furious over Michael’s latest activity.

Michael has started a fundraiser to be able to collect money for his legal fees so Angela can’t get their marriage annulled and send him back to Nigeria. However, Angela thinks Michael’s GoFundMe is a scam. She reposted a Reel by her blogger friend John Yates where he shared a screenshot of a different blogger’s post about Michael.

It showed a screenshot of the fundraiser, which now has made over $51,000. The blogger mentioned that even though Michael’s goal was $25,000, he is still accepting donations. “More and more people are starting to wake up,” Yates wrote in his caption.

Is Angela Deem Jealous That Michael’s Fundraiser Is A Huge Success?

Angela Deem & Michael Ilesanmi on 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After smilng outside close together

The blogger also mentioned that Michael continues to accept new donations, despite surpassing his goal by over double, giving the impression that he is trying to milk his fans for their hard-earned money. Angela wants to make viewers understand that Michael is greedy. She also used a screenshot of the description of Michael’s GoFundMe to highlight a section that reveals the fundraiser hadn’t been launched by Michael himself. A note in the description section adds that the organizer is Mary K and that she is a blogger who runs the YouTube channel Kiki & Kibbitz.

Michael had mentioned that he asked Mary K to help him set up the campaign. However, he assured fans that all funds from the campaign go “directly” to him and that it’s his only campaign page. Angela added a sticker of a shocked emoji while pointing to the word “directly” in Michael’s note. Angela must think Michael saying the money is going to him means he will be using it for his personal spending and not to pay his lawyer. Angela’s friends such as Loren Brovarnik and Scott Wern tried to start vicious rumors that Michael was running a scam.

Loren and Scott claimed Michael bought a Mercedes using the GoFundMe money. Michael was seen posing with a red car in one of his photos, but he clarified it belonged to a friend. Angela is jealous of Michael having raised such a huge amount of money in so little time. It’s a testament to his popularity and reveals just how many people are “#Team Michael,” despite Angela repeatedly accusing him of being a scammer. 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? fans don’t need to be convinced by Angela since they’ve watched her abuse him on camera for many years.

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