90 Day Fiance

90 Day Fiance: Ed And Angela Want Our Sympathy On The Tell All Part 2

Mama’s miserable. Michael doesn’t show affection, he’s not sweet to her. You don’t get out of my sight, walking around like nothing’s wrong. Michael, there is a problem here! Yeah, we don’t feel bad for Skeletor.

The second part of Happily Ever After Tell-All has arrived, and people seem more confused than ever about how to watch these episodes. I was one of them. When I went to watch part two on the TLC website, there was a lock icon, which meant I had to select my cable provider to access the episode. That was new. I didn’t have to do that with part one. They’re really trying to make this hard, aren’t they?

Even though I do have a cable provider, the episode crashed a record seven times. That doesn’t happen to me on Max or Discovery Plus. Every time it crashed, I had to refresh the page and rewatch the commercials. It happened in part one, but this time it was worse. Thank you, TLC, for making it so hard to watch.

I think Philo is supposed to have the Tell-All available for a free trial, but I believe it’s only seven days. I haven’t heard of any other streaming services getting the episodes until all five parts air on cable, which is dumb. If anyone knows where to watch the Tell-All, please share in the comments below. I’m sure people want to know.

Now, let’s talk about part two. First, I want to apologize for saying “Tell-All” 26 times in my part one video. I counted. Sorry about that! Someone even commented, “If she says Tell-All one more time, I’m going to vomit.” I don’t blame them—26 times is too many! I promise I won’t say it that much in this video.

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We left off in part one with Jasmine complaining about Gino’s corn addiction. Then they continued talking about their intimacy—stuff no one needs to know. It made Lauren pull this face. Jasmine said she can’t have sex or even please herself. Even Gino’s cousin looked so embarrassed the whole time.

Gino and Jasmine are in a bad spot. We knew from the start that their relationship had issues, but now, it seems like a lot of the blame is falling on Gino—even from his own family. Jasmine wants to work it out, and I believe she loves him, but Gino needs to admit there’s a problem if they’re going to fix it. He seems more over the relationship than she does. Offstage, Jasmine even says she won’t give up on them, which is sweet, but I hope we don’t have to watch another whole season of them trying to figure things out.

After that, everyone heads back to the mansion for the second night. The vibe was good on the first night, but the second felt ruined when I realized Angela was coming back. You just know what’s going to happen—she’s going to start screaming at some point, and no one’s going to do anything about it. Ironically, I thought Jasmine would be the one screaming, like in her last Tell-All, but no. She’s calm and seems to be trying to work things out with Gino.

Instead, we get Skeletor screaming just because Michael exists. If he’s around, she’s screaming. If he’s talking to someone, she’s screaming. I doubt he can even sit on the toilet without her screaming. Why do producers think this is safe? She shouldn’t be allowed in the house. We all know what happens when anyone talks back to her.

90 Day Fiancé Recap: Angela Wishes She 'Never Brought' Michael to U.S.

When Angela finally walks away, we see Ed trying to prove Liz was unhinged during taco pasta night. This fight happened six months ago—why bring it up now? Ed was supposed to watch his daughter that day, but he’s such a jerk. He tries to paint Liz as the bad guy, but everyone already knows how horrible he is.

I don’t know why he thought calling his sister to prove something would help. She isn’t acting out tonight—Liz is actually quite pleasant. Ed, however, keeps trying to drag her down, even making comments like, “She would have taken all my money.”

Liz retaliates, or her boyfriend does, in a cringey way. I’m sure Ed will be somewhere crying in a corner. I’m happy Liz is with someone else, but constantly bragging about her new relationship comes off as performative. We get it—she’s happy with her new guy, but do we need to hear it over and over?

As we’ve seen, Liz has issues with toxic relationships. I’m glad she’s moved on, but it’s still sad that she and Ed keep jabbing at each other, oversharing details that no one wants to hear. Even Jasmine can’t believe they were ever intimate.

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The night goes on with more drama, and I just wish someone would stand up to Angela. No one does, and it’s exhausting. Meanwhile, Kobe and Emily’s segment is tame by comparison—they argue over baby names and cultural differences, but at least Emily’s not screaming every five seconds. Their drama feels manufactured, and I hope they stay out of her parents’ house and live a happy life.

Unfortunately, we end part two with Angela and Michael. Michael gets a small window to express himself, but it doesn’t last long before Angela starts screaming again. This is pointless. Can someone please let him talk and put a muzzle on Angela?

Angela’s daughter comes out to talk about how miserable her mom is, but nobody feels bad for Skeletor. In the preview for part three, we see a private investigator looking into Michael, while Angela gets to act insane. At least we know he got away from her after all of this.

Overall, part one had my attention more than part two. Angela’s presence ruined everything with her constant screaming. Why do they think we want to see that? It’s sad to watch Michael get treated this way, and even sadder that no one steps in.

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