90 Day Fiance

90 Day Fiancé: Brandan and Mary’s Amazon Scam FAILED

This is our new camera, guys! It’s very nice. No one can stop us from making videos. F… Sorry, guys, we’re still getting used to this camera and don’t really know what we’re going to say right now.”

Well, it happened. Brandon and Mary’s Amazon scam exploded in their faces, and it didn’t take long for that to happen, did it? Less than two months ago, I posted a video about Mary and Brandon’s Amazon unboxing videos that were taking over their page. Basically, they had created an Amazon wishlist, and then their fans—whoever those people are—would purchase items from it. The gifts would get sent to Mary and Brandon, who would then unbox them on video.

I took an interest in this because not long before the Amazon wishlist thing, Mary had created a GoFundMe for herself, claiming she had cancer. Later, she was proven to not have cancer, and they got weird about refunding the money to those who donated to the fake cancer fund, calling them “Karens.” I was just waiting for their next scam, and, as predicted, the Amazon wishlist unboxing got suspicious. This time, their own community started questioning it. Their followers pointed out that there were duplicate items or gifts sent that weren’t being shown in the unboxing videos.

To summarize: their crazy fans were mad that when they sent Mary and Brandon a gift, it either wasn’t shown on camera, or the same gift was unboxed multiple times, as if it came from different people. That alone makes you question the sanity of the people sending them stuff. They were upset that Mary and Brandon weren’t filming every gift being opened. It’s like these strangers were getting something out of seeing their gifts unboxed, which feels pretty uncomfortable—especially when the items were for their baby.

Mary and Brandon did address the accusations about duplicate gifts and not filming certain unboxings. They explained that when someone purchases an item on the Amazon wishlist, it doesn’t automatically get removed from the list—they have to do it manually, which they found annoying. But come on, they could easily keep up with that; it’s not like they have anything else to do. As for not filming every unboxing? They claimed they were just too tired. “We forgot to take videos because sometimes we unbox at night when we’re tired after vlogging, and we’re sorry, guys.”

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But what really bothered me was that they weren’t controlling the duplicate items. Where were those duplicates going? Were they being resold? In my last video, I pointed out how suspicious the situation was, especially with high-priced items like the car seat. People commented, “Well, if people are dumb enough to send them stuff, who cares?” And, I mean, they’re right. If someone wants to send these grifters gifts, they can do whatever they want. But the audience sending them things… I feel like there are two types: one, the creepy ones who just want to send stuff for the baby, and two, those who think Mary and Brandon are struggling in the Philippines and want to help.

They’re not struggling. It’s very obvious. In their “day in the life” video, most of the time, Brandon is sitting outside on the couch, scrolling on his phone, or they’re shopping for groceries. They’re not working. They’re not struggling. If anything, you can’t help but notice how much stuff they have. They even recently bought a $600 camera for their terrible vlogging.

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This isn’t like Michael’s GoFundMe for his legal fees. Brandon and Mary can work, and they don’t need help. They’re not asking for things because they need them; they just want them. They’re even asking for gift cards now because, well, they can. And sure, people can send them stuff if they want, but let’s not forget that they lied about cancer and didn’t want to refund the money to people who thought Mary was actually sick. They have a platform that lets them ask for whatever they want instead of working to provide for themselves or their child. It feels gross.

And don’t get confused—these two aren’t making much money from vlogging. They’re making money from people sending them stars on Facebook and asking for stuff. Their latest Amazon wishlist scam has already blown up in their faces. Either they got caught reselling items or they got tired of the accusations. I’m not sure, but comments were pouring in. One person said that three women had sent pots, pans, and two can openers. Mary denied receiving them and said people were making up stories to prevent her and Brandon from being happy.

After responding to a few comments, they shut the wishlist down. They were getting so much stuff. It feels like they must have been caught doing something shady, or they just didn’t want to deal with it anymore. Now they’re onto their next scam. I don’t know why they stopped when only a few people accused them, but Mary said something else in her comments: “No one can stop us from making videos.” And that’s true. No one can.

90 Day Fiancé' Fans Doubt Mary and Brandan's Colon Cancer Claim

Their new strategy seems to be making money through vlogging—again. They bought an expensive camera and are either going to start a new YouTube channel or keep the old one going. I guess they didn’t make much ad revenue before, but they’re going to try again. By the way, the camera they bought is a legit vlogging camera—a $600 one. If you needed more proof that they’re doing just fine, there you go.

If they really want to work at vlogging, editing, and becoming full-time content creators, good for them. If that stops them from scamming people, great. The problem is, they’ve been pretty bad at it so far, especially the editing. In one of their videos, they even said, “Sorry guys, we’re used to this camera and don’t know what to say right now.” That’s the kind of thing you edit out!

I also couldn’t help but notice that the car seat they once had installed in the back of their car was gone. Just saying.

The question is, can they make ends meet by just vlogging? It is technically a job, but they haven’t proven they can make money without scamming people. We’ll just have to wait and see what their next move is. If they can’t make it with vlogging, they’ll have to do something else. They mentioned in a video that they’re turning Mary’s grandparents’ old house into a boarding house. They’ll need to renovate it, and I’m not sure if Mary can handle that, especially if Brandon has to talk to or look at other girls staying there.

I noticed they hadn’t posted in a few days, which is unusual for them. I don’t like them, but I hope their kid is okay. I’ll add more to this video if there’s an update before I post it. Thanks for watching. Bye!

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